Benefits to Partnering with Stonecrop

Preserve your legacy

Stonecrop Capital presents a unique opportunity for owners contemplating retirement or dealing with succession challenges. Unlike a large competitor or typical private equity firms, our objective is not to “eliminate redundancies” or “find synergies” with the intention of quickly selling your company for a profit. Your employees, brand, and history are assets that Stonecrop will strive to protect and grow over the long-haul.

People, not a firm

“Stonecrop Capital” is simply an LLC formed by Victor Corrigan and Spencer Frantz to acquire a business. It is not a private equity group or fund that has certain requirements around cost cutting, growth initiatives, or exit timelines. Our primary goal is to “do no harm” to what you’ve already built, and our secondary goal is to apply our energy, experience, and passion for business to nurture and grow your business by continuing to do great work, hiring and retaining great people, and serving customers well.

Flexibility to exit on your terms

Selling the business you’ve spent your career building is hard! We have no hard and fast rules about how we structure deals or what we expect from sellers. We can offer flexible transaction structures that allow you to stay involved in your business after a sale for a second bite at the apple, or we can step in quickly to lead the business going forward and allow you a clean and simple transition into new ventures or retirement.